Beroni attends the XXI ACAVe Forum - Tourism in a new era.

Last Thursday, October 07, from 09:30h, ACAVe held its traditional forum, this time from the headquarters of Foment del Treball Nacional and under the title XXI ACAVe Forum - Tourism in a new era. Tourism professionals could follow the event in person and by streaming through Youtube and the landing created for the occasion. and developed by Beroni.

Beroni was represented by our CEO Josep Bellés and our Commercial Director Ingrid Graells.

With some truly luxurious guests, geopolitical decisions and their impact on the tourism industry, the evolution and recovery of the global tourism industry, the transformation of the economy and tourism models, and new consumer habits in the post-COVID era were analyzed.

El acto estuvo conducido por Cristina Riba (Periodista y presentadora) y contó con la participación de la Sra. María Reyes Maroto (Ministra de Industria, Comercio y Turismo), el Sr. Ramón Aymerich (Redactor Jefe Internacional de La Vanguardia), la Sra. Isabel Oliver (Oficial Superior en Turismo y Biodiversidad de la OMT), la Sra. Maribel Rodríguez (Senior Vice President World Travel & Tourism Council), el Sr. Rafael Schvartzman (Vicepresidente Regional de Iata para Europa), el Sr. Eduardo Santander (CEO European Travel Commission), Mr. Josep Sánchez Llibre (President Foment del Treball Nacional), Mr. José Carlos Díez (Economist), Ms. Belén Barreiro (Sociologist and CEO of 40dB), Mr. Jose Maria Bonmatí (General Director of AECOC), Mr. Miguel Cardoso (Chief Economist for Spain at BBVA Research) and Ms. Marta Domènech (General Director of Tourism of Catalonia) who was in charge of closing the event.

Martí Sarrate (President of ACAVe) was who introduced and welcomed the event, as well as presented the final conclusions to all attendees.

From Beroni we would like to thank ACAVe for the invitation and congratulate them for holding the forum, once again adapting to current needs and offering the possibility of attending virtually.

We would also like to thank ACAVe for having counted on Beroni to design and develop the landing page for the presentation of the event. where the live streaming could be followed and viewers could write questions that the presenter sent to the participants. Since the end of the live streaming, the recording of the forum can be viewed on the landing page.

We encourage you to visit the landing page if you missed the Forum live or if you missed something. You will also find the press releases of the event in case you want to know more details.

We hope to see you again at the next ACAVe Forum!






Photo by ACAVe


Photo by ACAVe


Photo by ACAVe


Photo by ACAVe


Photo by ACAVe